Signatures of feedback in the spectacular extended emission region of NGC 5972
Published in MNRAS, 2023
Signatures of feedback in the spectacular extended emission region of NGC 5972
We present Chandra X-ray Observatory observations and Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph spectra of NGC 5972, one of the 19 ‘Voorwerpjes’ galaxies. This galaxy contains an extended emission-line region (EELR) and an arcsecond scale nuclear bubble. NGC 5972 is a faded active galactic nucleus (AGN), with EELR luminosity suggesting a 2.1 dex decrease in Lbol in the last ~5 × 104 yr. We investigate the role of AGN feedback in exciting the EELR and bubble given the long-term variability and potential accretion state changes. We detect broad-band (0.3-8 keV) X-ray emission in the near-nuclear regions, coincident with the [O III] bubble, as well as diffuse soft X-ray emission coincident with the EELR. The soft nuclear (0.5-1.5 keV) emission is spatially extended and the spectra are consistent with two APEC thermal populations (~0.80 and ~0.10 keV). We find a bubble age >2.2 Myr, suggesting formation before the current variability. We find evidence for efficient feedback with $P_{\textrm {kin}}/L_{\textrm {bol}}\sim 0.8~$, which may be overestimated given the recent Lbol variation. [O III] kinematics show a 300 km s$^{-1}$ high-ionization velocity consistent with disturbed rotation or potentially the line-of-sight component of a ~780 km s$^{-1}$ thermal X-ray outflow capable of driving strong shocks to photoionize the precursor material. We explore possibilities to explain the overall jet, radio lobe and EELR misalignment including evidence for a double supermassive black hole which could support a complex misaligned system.